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Better Waxing Results With Vanish PFB Chromabright.

February 14, 2019
  • Ingrown Hairs
  • Waxing Bumps
  • Folliculitis

Besides treating the above, it also:

  • Brightens & Lifts Pigment (Lactic Acid & Willow Bark Extract)
  • Makes Waxing Less Painful
  • Kills bacteria (alcohol)
  • Exfoliates the skin (glycolic & salicylic aid)
  • Clears Pores

Although the best benefit may actually come with time. With regular use, your hair follicle will loosen and pull easier. This results in less pain with your waxing.

We offer Vanish PFB Chromabright for $30 in our salon. It comes with a rollerball for easy application and should last you from 8-12 months. A little goes a long way! Make sure to pick up a bottle at your next waxing appointment! Click here to schedule online.